President Biden is facing impeachment threats


Members of the House of Representatives of the Republican party declared their first day of launching an investigation into President Joe Biden as a success.

But two of their expert witnesses said that so far there is not enough evidence to support the impeachment.

President Hunter's business affairs dominated Thursday's impeachment hearings.

Republican lawmakers have alleged that President Biden benefited from his son's business ventures.

The White House has described the investigation as a matter of political curiosity.

Republican lawmakers have been investigating the president's son for years, as has the US Department of Justice.

However, none of them have found evidence that shows that Joe Biden, whether as president or vice president, violated the rules of his work or accepted bribes.

All this is happening while President Biden also criticized former President Donald Trump and described him as a threat to American democracy.

Biden said that Trump's attempt to regain the presidency is full of revenge

Mr. Biden stated this in his speech at the memorial meeting for the late Republican senator, John McCain, in Arizona.

He said that the Republican Party, although not all of its followers follow Trump's ideology, but now it is run by extremists.

The president accused Trump and his supporters of spreading false beliefs and seeking to cause conflict.

Although the next presidential election will be held in a year and a few months, the results of public opinion polls show that it will be almost a tie if Trump gets the ticket. Republican candidate.

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